Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ever Heard of Og Mandino?

Og Mandino is Dead...however his written works live on...
and his writings have been influential to thousands and thousands
of readers,instilling hope,courage,and a new way of life....

From my perspective and what I would like to share with my readers
of The Secret and The law of Attraction,is that one of his books;
"The Greatest Miracle in the World"...has some unique content for
practioners of The Secret and The Law of Attraction!

In that....he writes about using ACTION or Forced Action to
Change your thoughts......

This is a little different then what everybody has been learning from
the book and movie...The Secret...where you learn to change and monitor
your thoughts....but with Og Mandino....he teaches ulitizing Action to
change your thoughts!

In my personal opinion and experimentation,this is a valuable tool;
for example....instead of just "thinking" that you love everyone,
go out there and use action to show everyone that you Do Love;and keep
at it and before you know it...you'll all of sudden relize your a new person!

The action you enforce,change your thoughts;which is exactly what you
want....change your thoughts in relation to what you want to be,to attract!

Here is a link for Og Mandino's books...in relation to what I have posted here,
I recommend "The Greatest Miracle in the World".....he does however...as you
will see;have alot of books....another is "The Greatest salesman in the World",
which is his #1 bestseller....
Click Here!

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