Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Secret Behind The Law Of Attraction-"Unleash The Power Of The Secret"

What is the true secret behind the law of attraction? I am often asked.

The most common definition for the law of attraction is that “like attracts like”.

This definition, even though accurate, hardly explains how the law of attraction works.

Some people talk about vibes and frequencies, but what is the most scientific explanation of the law of attraction?

The true secret behind the law of attraction hinges on the concept of reality and how much of it we can perceive.

The reality of the universe out there is so huge that our conscious mind cannot handle it in its entirety, so it has no choice but to filter the reality and let only a tiny fraction of it in.

What you perceive becomes your reality, and what you do not perceive does not even exist in your reality or your universe.

So once you have chosen a part of the vast reality of the universe to be perceived by you, in effect you attract that part of the universe to you.

That part of the reality of the universe was filtered by you, picked by you, or in effect attracted to you.

Now, the most interesting aspect of this filtering, that we do constantly, is that these filters only let similar reality to pass through.

To give you an analogy, blue shades would let only blue light to pass through.

This applies to all of our senses and to our perception in general.

This is the secret behind the law of attraction. One who wears green shades is attracting green color, per se.

You can see the same mechanism in Quantum Physics. The reality that state of the universe (wave function) offers is incredibly huge.

The possibilities are vast, but our measurement devices, which are extensions of our senses, pick only a small part of that reality.

In effect, they filter the universe to get the part we want to observe.

In other words, we get from the universe, what we ask for. Why?

Because when we truly ask for something, we are filtering everything out except the thing we want to receive.

That’s how the universe gets us what we are asking for.

That’s how we attract from the universe what we truly ask.

But what does “truly ask” mean? How should you ask to attract exactly what you want?
Click here to learn more about The Law of Attraction and get your free eBook!

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